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How to login

To make an expression of interest on the website, you need to register for online services. To register online you must already be a member of the Homesearch scheme. If you are not a member of the Homesearch scheme, click here to complete an online application
or here to download an application form to print out and complete by hand.

If you are already a member of Homesearch - follow the link to 'Register Now' on the homepage. At the registration page follow the instructions to enter your details and choose a user name and password. Please do not choose a user name that contains both your initial and your surname together, for example 'asmith', also ensure that your password is at least 6 characters long (but no more than 10). Once you have created your online registration details, you will be given confirmation and you can then login with your user name and password and begin making your expressions of interest online.

Please note: Once you obtain a WDH Tenancy, you will be able to use the same Username and Password you have created for Homesearch to instantly access Your Account on the WDH website and manage your new Tenancy online.