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0344 9 02 02 02

Online Applications

WDH needs you to collect your personal information in order to check that you are eligible for housing, to assess your housing needs and to administer the application process. We are committed to keeping your information safe and secure and in line with our Privacy Policy which can be found by clicking the following link Privacy Policy. Please ensure that you read the privacy policy before completing the application form.

Personal Disclosure

If you want someone to be able to discuss your application on your behalf, please follow this link to download a Disclosure Form

Completed forms should be sent to putting ‘Data Disclosure the applicants full name and submission reference number / application reference number’ in the subject header.

Please advise a disclosure form has been completed in Section 13 of the Homesearch application form.

Please Note: If you have submitted a Homesearch application form within the last 9 weeks, please do not submit another duplicate form. The team will get to your application as soon as they can. This is done in date order. You will then receive your membership details or a request for further information if required.

You can apply for membership of the Homesearch Scheme online using the link below.

Click here to start a new online application

How do I fill in the Application Form?

As you go through the questions give as much information as possible about yourself and any other members or your household who wish to apply with you. The more information you provide on the form, the quicker we can register you as a Homesearch member.

Some questions on the Application Form are mandatory, which means they must be filled in before you can move on to the next question. You can see which questions you must fill in as there is a * at the side of them.

Please do not use your browsers back button while filling in the Online Application Form, it may cause you to lose the information you have filled in. Please use the previous and next buttons to move between pages.

Please Note: If you are under 18 years old you can only apply for WDH housing if you are:

  • over 16 and require family type accommodation,
  • single and over 17,
  • or single and 16 or over and are looked after or owed a statutory duty by the local authority.

WDH cannot accept applications from friends or non-close relatives unless the first applicant is the carer for the second applicant. If applications are received from friends or non-close relatives they will be registered separately.

What if I have a problem filling in the Application Form?

If, after reading the following questions and answers, you need any further help filling in your online Application Form, please contact a member of the Homesearch Team on 0344 9 02 02 02.

What happens to my Online Application form when I have completed it?

The Homesearch Team will check that you have provided all the information we need to register your form. If we need more information from you we will contact you and ask you to provide it. We will also check that you are eligible for WDH housing (for information on eligibility please download the Membership Information Guide from the Download link at the top of this page).

If you are eligible and your form contains all the information we need, we will contact you with your Homesearch membership number and confirm details about your application, you can then start placing Expressions of Interest on Homesearch properties.

Once your application has been registered onto the Homesearch Scheme, you can also create an online account, to place your Expressions of Interest online. To do this go to the Login/Register page on the Homesearch website and follow the simple instructions.